Desiring Art - Daniela Domenichini

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Desiring Art


Franchino Falsetti Art Critic

Daniela Domenichini is experiencing a particularly creative and artistically motivated season. Her recent choices implying a theoretical and cultural expansion of both expressive and material research have, in a positive way, given birth to a new artistic output.
Her natural knack for figurative art, with those delicate impressionist accents, once used to aim at expressing the image not as a copy, or mirror, of a representative reality, but rather as compositional rapture trying to re-enact the suggestions and assonances of the love game, and the moments of a timeless everyday life: the mystery of life flowing.
Her refined experience involved additional artistic languages and technical modalities.
Here’s how Daniela Domenichini sums up her new production: “I have got rid of the paintbrush and have chosen to work directly with metallic materials.  I turn delicate silk works into solid sculptures imprisoned inside resin, while paper incisions become “something else”, unveiled as they are through their “alter ego” of solid plexiglas.
It’s a challenge, an assessment of expressive potentialities unchained from the rigid outlines imposed by certain artistic / ideological mindsets. It’s about being free to “try”, to experiment with new solutions and to match the imaginative moment to the creative-artistic act.
Composing through manipulation of natural or artificial materials (from copper to lead to plexiglas) is indeed a way to retrieve one’s own expressive nature and sense of communication, rather than an attempt to “characterize” oneself.
The suitable choice of materials and matter blended with colours imbues her compositions with spirituality, which unites the outer and the inner dimension. This entails discovering the parallel between feeling and acting, thinking and acting, desire and experimentation.
The artist Daniela Domenichini does not bear witness to “becoming” in art, as she is a delicate and energetic interpret of a variety of linguistic-communicative expressions. This awareness prevents her from being a mould of herself in her production, at the same time as allowing her to divergently express what can highlight her own “aesthetic model” when experiencing the real world.
A real world often made up of small things, of objects pertaining to both the practical and the intimate daily life, of things abandoned and devoid of life. A new creative course unfolds along this unseen world, offering Daniela Domenichini an invaluable opportunity to materialize a “psychological sight”, i.e. the images of forgotten objects reflected like memory in our subconscious mind.
"The object expands further than the limits of its own appearance, since we know that a thing is well beyond anything its aspect reveals in front of our eyes". (P. Klee )
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